中国知识产权资讯网    IPREPORT >
发布时间:2024/2/21 15:57:00    新闻来源:CHINA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY NEWS

  The China National Inter-Ministe-rial Conference Office(IMCO)for the Construction of an IP Powerhouse Nation recently debuted the Progress Report for the Construc-tion of an IP Powerhouse Country 2023."The Report indicates since the enactment and implementation of the Outline on the Construction of an IP Powerhouse Nation(2021-2035)and the National Plan on Protection and Use of IP during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period,localities and agencies have been giving concrete efforts and making significant progress,"IMCO's Deputy Director Zhao Zhibin out-lined.


  "The Report was prepared by the IMCO along with the participating agencies with an aim to exhibit the outcomes harvested during the con-struction of an IP powerhouse nation and objectively evaluate the status quo of the construction,"Zhao elabo-rated,adding that moving toward the target for the construction of an IP powerhouse country set by the said Outline and the Plan has been going well;the Index for China's Construc-tion of an IP Powerhouse Nation has been gaining momentum,hitting 120.0 reading points in 2023,register-ing a 9.6% annual average growth rate over the baseline value of 2021.




Editor Liu Shan


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