China gears up for leap into digitisation of industry

发布时间: 2017/12/27 10:05:00

  China is catching up rapidly and another powerful wave of digitisation in businesses is starting to sweep through the economy, promising creative destruction in inefficient sectors on a grand scale. China is well established as a digital player in consumer-facing industries with the largest ecommerce market in the world, accounting for over 40 per cent of global ecommerce transactions. Nevertheless, huge upside potential remains. China has a huge, relatively young home consumer market - and Chinese consumers are eager and willing to embrace all things digital. (China gears up for leap into digitisation of industry, by Financial Times)


  While implementing the big data strategy at the national level and developing the relevant market at a lightning speed, China is required to improve the strategy and mechanism for protection of big data, looping in IPR to secure development.

  (Editor Li Xingyi)

  (All contents of this newspaper may not be reproduced or used without express permission)

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