The Chinese technology companies poised to dominate the world, by The Guardian

发布时间: 2018/8/8 11:00:00

  From PCs to smartphones, Chinese firms, such as Huawei, are outgrowing their home market and making their mark internationally. Midday naps for the workforce do not mean that Huawei is not a relentlessly aggressive competitor, it is one of a number of homegrown Chinese technology companies that are rapidly outgrowing their home market and are now seeking-or already achieving-dominance in the rest of the world. 




  In recent years, the world is impressed by more and more Chinese enterprises venturing-out. The enhancement of independent innovation ability and improvement of  IP awareness, has become one of the key factors for Chinese enterprises to keep a foothold in the world.



(Editor Gao Sihan)

  (All contents of this newspaper may not be reproduced or used without express permission)



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