Huawei leads Asian domination of U.N. patent applications in 2018

发布时间: 2019/4/10 14:12:00

  Although inventors in the United States filed more applications than in any other country, China looks set to take the top place this year or next, after a meteoric rise over the past quarter century. China had introduced an equivalent of the U.S. Bayh-Dole Act, ensuring that patents taken out on government-sponsored research were being used, which may have had an influence on Chinese universities' attitude towards commercialising their research. (Huawei leads Asian domination of U.N. patent applications in 2018,Reuters)


  Chinese universities are benefited from the extremely strong emphasis on patents utilization and commercialisation driven by the government, playing a critical role in pushing China from the world's second largest country of patent applications to a real IP powerful house.

(Editor Shao Jingjing)

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