It has been a pattern for decades that China uses models of Western and international legal and regulatory frameworks and content to establish its own protocols.

发布时间: 2020/4/23 10:37:00

  It has been a pattern for decades that China uses models of Western and international legal and regulatory frameworks and content to establish its own protocols. During all of the years, now decades, China itself has been quietly building its capability to not only protect IP in China, but to "build a court and patent system that is pro-innovator.""China is the new IP super-power," said LexisNexis experts.(China Is Taking Patents Seriously,The World Should Take Notice,The Diplomat)




  The Chinese government has always adhered to the equal protection of IPRs of innovators at home and abroad. With the continuous improvement of China's IP laws system and the level of IP protection, more domestic and foreign innovators  will benefit from IP.

(Editor Jiang Shuo)


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