Baidu recently announced that it will increase its investments in cloud computing, AI education

发布时间: 2020/7/9 9:46:00

  Baidu recently announced that it will increase its investments in cloud computing, AI education, AI platforms, chipsets, and data centers in the coming ten years as part of its efforts to construct "new infrastructure" for the smart economy of the future. Under the plan, Baidu aims to have 5 million intelligent cloud servers by 2030 and train 5 million AI professionals within 5 years, which will help facilitate the widespread application of AI in transportation, city management, finance, energy, health care, and manufacturing to eventually achieve industrial intelligence. (Baidu Unveils Plan to Increase Investment in New Infrastructure to Power the Rise of Industrial AI, by PR Newswire)




  The new infrastructure including data centers and AI is influencing many areas in social life. Baidu's increase of investment in innovative technologies and talents represents its resolution to beef up industrial intelligence along with the social development.

  (Editor Jiang Shuo) 

  (All contents of this newspaper may not be reproduced or used without express permission)


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