Alibaba releases 2020 IP protection statistics as engagement with anti-counterfeiting alliance grows

发布时间: 2021/3/31 9:54:00

  Alibaba has released statistics from its 2020 IP Rights Protection Report, revealing that the number of suspected infringing listings reported by consumers fell by a third (33%) year on year, 98% of IP infringement complaints were handled within 24 hours and the number of rights holder accounts on Alibaba's Intellectual Property Protection Platform climbed by 40% from the previous year. Specifically, it states that membership of the Alibaba Anti-counterfeiting Alliance (AACA) now stands at close to 200 companies. (Alibaba releases 2020 IP protection statistics as engagement with anti-counterfeiting alliance grows, by World Trademark Review)


  With the rapid development of the Internet, new types of e-commerce are emerging one after another. Strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights in the field of e-commerce has created a good business environment for the development of new types of business, and fully reflects China's determination to comprehensively strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights.

(Editor Li Xingyi)

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