Huawei unveils HarmonyOS-based premium EV developed with BAIC

发布时间: 2021/5/21 10:38:00

  Huawei Technologies launched five automated-driving solutions recently, including one that runs on its HarmonyOS operating system. The products, which will be mass-produced in cars to be co-developed with automakers later this year, is part of the telecommunications hardware company's US$1 billion investment in self-driving and electric-vehicle research in 2021 to capture the rising demand for electrics in the world's largest auto market. (Huawei unveils HarmonyOS-based premium EV developed with BAIC, by Nikkei)


  The use of smart vehicles is a trend for future transportation. The exploration of businesses including Huawei  in this field by using technologies with self-reliant IP will facilitate China to take a lead in the global self-driving market.

(Editor Li Xingyi)

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