Hisense Soars in Brand Value, Aims to Achieve $47 Billion Revenue by 2025 , PRNewswire

发布时间: 2021/5/27 10:40:00

  Although impacted by the pandemic, Hisense continued brand-building investment to grow business overseas. In 2020, Hisense's overseas revenue was $7.93 billion, accounted for nearly 40% of the total revenue, and the YOY growth was 18.2%. Data for the first quarter of 2021 shows that Hisense's overseas revenue share has exceeded 42%. According to Hisense's globalization strategy goal, Hisense aims to achieve $47 billion revenue by 2025, with overseas markets accounting for 50% of the total.( Hisense Soars in Brand Value, Aims to Achieve $47 Billion Revenue by 2025 , PRNewswire)


  For Chinese companies, the globalization must be a combination of product development, manufacturing, branding, marketing and intellectual property protection, through which, they will see a promising future.

(Editor Li Xingyi)

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